S 2 Ep 3 – Why Not? Career Inspiration | Belle from the Philippines

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This week’s guest is the perfect example of throwing caution to the wind and yelling ‘Why Not?!’ when faced with life-changing opportunities. If you need some serious career inspiration, this is the episode for you. Belle has over 15 years of experience working with the most innovative tech brands such as Spotify, Netflix, Airbnb, Uber and TikTok.
Throughout her life, Belle has jumped at the chance to move to countries that she knew nothing about and this year, moved to Toronto with her husband and teenage daughter. We chat about her impressive career, her advice for chasing your dream job, her new ‘Why Not?’ podcast, family life in Canada and more.

You don’t want to miss:

  • Belle’s experience growing up in the suburbs of Manila, Philippines, and dealing with the sudden death of her father at a young age.
  • Her 1st big ‘Why Not?’ moment: Moving from the Philippines to Thailand on a whim after being offered a job position from a friend!
  • Her INCREDIBLE career from Radio DJ to working in Public Relations in Singapore for Spotify, Netflix, TikTok, and more.
  • Her best advice for how to spot these ‘cool’ emerging companies and opportunities.
  • Her teenage daughter’s experience enrolling in Grade 10 in a Canadian high school during a pandemic and her best recommendations for family activities in downtown Toronto.

PLUS, don’t miss out on amazing career opportunities: Why you SHOULD apply for jobs even if you are under qualified!

Links & Resources:

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And, if you enjoyed this episode, please let us know by leaving a review on your favourite podcast app – Until next week!